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(1 edit) (+1)

Watched out their patreon they already created a pull for 0.45 ver but still no date of release

(1 edit)

And the english sub is realease?


Only a part of the game has been translated in English.


How much days?


A good amount, but it finishes once you select if you want to be lustful or romantic.  There are a few parts that are still not translated,  though, like a Li Jun feet scene, and other stuff. There are a few UI bugs on the English version, though, since it seems like they’re still doing improvements here and there.

The last update was on September 2022 it's been way to long i hope the English version will come I'm patient

anyone know if there will be an English version?


The author said the English version and the new content will be released in this month,but he didn't give a extra time. So it can also be put off to July



我想支持您的作品, 但發現紅P好像不能加入會員 :( 為何這樣...


Waiting for the English one

Does anyone have a walkthrough


Well version 0.3 have about 14 days in total. Firts 4 or 5 days is like introduction in school after them you unlock interface with mls affection for you and shop with various items in it. You can romance tsundere dragon, cute tiger, white tiger, p.e teacher bull, super sexy owner of cafe wolf and yellow haired sport teacher wolf. You can interact with them every day. Some scenes need certain amount of corruption and items to be unlocked. That all what  advises since i am not Chinese speaker


说实话,与亚格斯约会桥段中正经的部分感觉和刘川(较轻口 比较配。以亚格斯的个性和初衷来讲,主角只有纯虐依恋而不太感觉会有正常恋人的关系,以后不限于甚至跟服务生同时多人(单人可选?的重口场景。最终BE呃多值拉满(HE?   



Any Update for English Version

no good news about the english version, just heard that version 0.4 will be out in early April 

They wanted to release 0.4 and eng ver at the end of April but they got some issues with shop items and 0.4 gonna be released in end of june which is socks


you can learn Chinese , it's much easier than English


Are there any news about release on their patreon?



剩下有一些還不確定會不會更新的 像是商店物品使用之類的就先不轉述了。


This is really sad. Kinda feel heartbroken right now it seems they can't do eng ver either


Very glad to see that there will be a English version

(1 edit)

Just 10 days left.... have to wait it...

Where is the apk


if you mean by android its there the one that has an MacOS logo on it, but if you`re asking about the MacOS i think it was removed ? or not available yet if im not mistaken.
just a side note tho the english translation is not available yet .


Is there a English setting


They plan to do eng ver release this mounth



(1 edit)

l feel bad for asking but just wanna know if there is an update on the...well...update and author's health?

The project is still progressing.

The game is not updating because of a stricter censorship and lots of reporting. Maybe we should keep waiting:(

...the Mac vers. got removend._., 
not the Android, "FurryUniversityAR0.3.apk*" has just the wong Symbol 

OMGGG, Thank youu soo much, i didn`t saw that i thought the 

FurryUniversityAR0.3.apk was just a typo.



What?? Where's android??


作者大大,想问一下以前的版本还有吗,找不到启示录,好想看看之前的李军啊( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )


um Where's the android version


um was the android version removed ?



Deleted 1 year ago





itch App没法安装?没有指定平台


Hmm April ?  Then i will wait :>


帮阿卢生孩子和缩小的不见了 哭



how do you get the English version

Deleted 1 year ago

ok I just saw someone say they updated it and got my hopes up 


Omg guys he updated. I am glad he is alive


Me: not knowing Chinese carelessly picking all dialogue choices.

*Decides to choose option with (tag) for hidden content*

*MC s dong suddenly start to grow in size and expand*

Me : Ohh sh* . Start to run

Well, that is one of the bad end. Do not let MC play with the big dildo can avoid this.


I love this game and how it is structured. I look forward to the translated version,  do not disappoint me.


Will there be an translated version?

its been mentioned 3/15~3/20 so i assume tomorrow or sometime soon unless something happens that causes a set back 

Deleted 1 year ago




不要吧 4天前底下有人评论15到20 现在又20号后 我上个月20多号就想去爱发电了 听作者说3月1就更 我就没买 结果等到现在 死循环了欸




內容好棒 尤其是母牛生一堆小孩的部分


作者在patreon講了 會在3/15~3/20開放0.3版本下載 所以大家有點耐心 再等等吧

ohh thanks for the update.

Im excited



我也是 期待0.3版本的出现



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